How to make a good luck charm?

With a strong desire to produce a amulet lucky charm with your own hands. Surely, every man the creator of his own life, but other sources of good luck will not prevent anyone. Amulets, talismans to help you make the right decision, find the answer to challenging questions of life and provide protection from trouble and misfortune. For an amulet, you need to arm yourself with incredible faith in him and in the process of manufacturing to comply with some recommendations.

Amulet lucky charm

As talismans bring good luck?

The source of all happiness, good fortune can become different elements: a stone in the sea, statue, domestic animals, jewelry (necklace, bracelet, earrings, ring), jewelry, plants, and also clothing. And you can make your home a special amulet, which will attract luck and it will be a real help for life. Considering that the mascot, in fact, the manual assembly has the greatest power, as it is in the load fluid directly to the future owner.

Communication of amulets and fields of the zodiacal circle

To make a lucky charm with his hands, that would come in, the horoscope, then it is better to give preference to natural materials — wood or minerals. A block of wood should have a flat surface on which you should apply it a symbol of his zodiac sign. Sasso esotericism should choose small size, for the more convenient to carry with itself. After you apply the astrological symbol action amulet activate, and load the corresponding energy element. It is worth to understand that an object, as an amulet to bring good luck in every sign of the zodiac no. Every representative of the zodiacal house is suitable for your type of grass, wood or stone. So, the Ram is better to buy amethyst, Virgin perfect jasper, and for Gemini lucky stone becomes garnet. And also other signs must use the gem:

  • Taurus — agate;
  • Lion — ruby;
  • Cancer — calcite;
  • Libra — diamond;
  • Capricorn — onyx;
  • Scorpio — opal;
  • Fish — chrysolite;
  • Sagittarius — turquoise
  • Aquarius — sapphire.

Production rules

Hand-written creation of an amulet to attract luck must be made exclusively with the observance of certain rules. To make yourself happy and pull the success, it is necessary to create an amulet that, by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • For the basis of preparing only natural materials, which have a pleasant tactile sensation, and cause positive emotions.
  • In the process of creating an amulet need to think only of pleasant things, good.
  • Ready mascot we recommend that you always have with themselves and, periodically, to take in hand, if it is not in contact with the skin cover.
  • In the production of the amulet lucky charm around must be respected the silence.

A good luck charm you can make using a bag of maroon velvet, in which to put some attributes, such as the horseshoe or coins.


If you can make a variety of charm, for example, a bag made of burgundy velvet. The prepared fabric capacity should sew neckties and embroider with gold thread initials. In the middle should put a small iron horse, stone, coins, the bundle of plants or wax. Equipped with magical powers and the amulet, made from bar, but not wood, and soap bubbles. So the mascot does not bring it with you, but every day my hand can bring good luck to the house and also to be cleansed from evil spirits, evil spirits, evil thoughts. Soap made without the addition of chemicals, and include a recipe lilac, lavender, rosemary, or cinnamon.

Other options of creating amulets

Pull the luck under the power of wax. Need to burn a spark plug and install it in a glass. While she turns you on, you need to look at it and think of desires, goals and dreams. It is important not to think of the worst and keep in mind the negative thoughts, in this case, it is better to perform a ritual at a later time. When the candle melts, you need to get hold of wax solidified and put into pre-sewn velvet pouch.

A great way to attract luck is considered to be wear on the wrist of the leather lace, which should bind to and parallel to pronounce specific wishes. It is important to keep bracelet away from prying eyes, and then, if the hands are open, then it is better to put in a pocket or hide in a department within the bags.

Begin to create an amulet worth on Sunday, when the moon is in growing phase.The best period for the production of the amulet, which will attract luck, is considered to be Sunday in the period of the growing moon. In the morning or in the evening to make the mascot has no concept of the difference, but some esoteric are of the opinion that the strongest magically-made talismans in the dark. Important, for a magical object charged with energy for his master. For this you need to sit down and squeeze in the palm personally done mascot, lower your eyelids and stay for about 15 minutes. Spent the time to pronounce the magic words: "My amulet, I made it alone, now, the fate with you alone! Luck I you take, good luck and success sowing!". Repeat three times, after which wrap the guardian in fabric cut and placed in a secret place. Each day throughout the week hassle, magical object, and recharge personal energy. After 7 days, the domesticated activated for luck amulet need to start to bring with them anywhere. Also, the mascot periodically needs to be recharged with solar energy, that saturerà the forces of the celestial body. For this amulet, leave it for 2-3 days, under the sun, for example, on the sill of the window.